Bulgarian state archives: source of studying modern Japanese history (2019)
The very first archival documents related to Japan and modern Japanese development dates over a hundred years ago and is related to the very beginning of the establishment of the Modern Bulgarian State after the liberation from the Ottoman Empire which coincides with the Meiji period in Japan. Though different archival sources in Bulgarian archives we can take a look into the diplomatic and military activities of Japan from that time and to analyze its relations with the Great powers as well as the specific interest of the Japanese government to the so called Eastern question on the Balkans representing a complex of political interests of both the newly established Balkan states and the Great Powers competing for a greater influence in this region. Two main aspects of the Japanese modern history from that time can be explored through Bulgarian archives. The first one is related to the wars that Japan fights against China and after that against Russian Empire. The other issue is related to the rapid Japanese economic and industrial development which impresses Bulgarians to a great extent.