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安 江 明 夫先生は、1945年に生まれ、1969年国際基督教大学を卒業して、同年より国立国会図書館に勤務され始めました。同館総務部関西館準備室長、関西館長、総務部長、2004年副館長などを歴任されました。ご専門は図書館・アーカイブズの管理でした。ご退職後、企業史料協議会副会長、学習院大学大学院アーカイブズ学専攻非常勤講師などを務め、先年までその知識、ノーハウを生かし図書・アーカイブズの世界に多大な貢献をされました。
安江明夫先生は、管理能力及び博学を兼ねた優れた資料保存研究家でありました。取り分け、2014年日本資料専門家欧州協会年次学会にて先生から提言された在欧和古書保存ワーキンググループ の 設立・発足以来、その中心的な存在として、活発にヨーロッパ各国に於ける和古書の保護、保存、修復 に関して調査を行われ、その結果を報告書に纏められ、専門知識・経験を蓄積され、保存実施のガイドラインとノーハウを提供されるなど、総じて日本資料専門家欧州協会の活動目的の遂行に多大な貢献をされました。先生は、日本資料専門家欧州協会にとって最大の恩人でありました。2019年ソフィア市で開催の日本資料専門家欧州協会年次学会にて先生は、「キリシタン版と日欧文化交流」の再検討を提起して、ヨーロッパの司書・学芸員・研究者による調査研究、教育活用、デジタル化等の進展、新史料発見への期待を言明してその講演を締め括られました。そのご期待に沿うべく一層日本資料専門家欧州協会の活動に力を入れて行く所存であります。そのご期待の実現を標榜して、EAJRSの歩んできた道を今後とも歩み続ければ先生の存在感は決して薄らぐことはないと確信しています。
Prof. Dr. Willy Vande Walle
Mr. Akio Yasue passed away on January 29, 2021, succumbing to the illness he had been receiving medical treatment for since some time. The European Association of Japanese Resource Specialists (EAJRS) and in particular its Conservation/Preservation of Japanese Antiquarian Materials Working Group are deeply indebted to him for his invaluable support in the planning and implementation of its activities.
Born in 1945, Mr. Akio Yasue graduated from International Christian University in 1969, and began working at the National Diet Library in the same year. He was consecutively director of the Kansai-kan (Kansai Library) Project Office in the Administrative Department, Director-General of the Kansai-kan, the Director-General of the Administrative Department, and Deputy Director General of the National Diet Library in 2004. His specialty was library and archives management. After his retirement from NDL, he served as Vice President of the Business Archives Association and held a position as part-time lecturer in the Graduate Course of Archival Science at the Gakushuin University. Thanks to his knowledge and know-how he continued rendering invaluable services to the world of books and archives up to the end of last year.
Combining managerial skills with vast learning, Mr. Akio Yasue was an outstanding conservation scientist. At its annual conference in 2014 EAJRS set up at his proposal a working group for the conservation and restoration of early Japanese books (Japanese antiquarian materials) in European collections. As one of the working group’s core members he investigated the conditions of conservation and advised on the needs for preservation and restoration in many European collections of Japanese materials. He made the results of his findings available in reports, and translated his accumulated expertise and experience into guidelines and know-how for conservation. It is fair to say that he contributed in an outstanding way to the goals and objectives of EAJRS. We are indeed deeply indebted to him.
At the annual EAJRS conference held in Sofia in 2019, Mr. Akio Yasue gave a thought-provoking lecture on reassessing the significance of the Kirishitan-ban for the history of printing in Japan. In concluding he voiced the hope that European librarians, curators and researchers would continue their efforts in the field of research, training activities, digitization schemes, and the search to unlock new historical materials.
Taking his appeal to heart, EAJRS is determined to continue pursuing the goals it has set itself, convinced that this is the best way to keep Mr. Akio Yasue’s memory alive.
The members of the European Association of Japanese Resource Specialists honour the memory of Mr. Akio Yasue and pray that his soul may rest in peace.
Prof. Dr. Willy Vande Walle
Chairman of The European Association of Japanese Resource Specialists