transportation to/in Sofia 2024
You will find practical information
about getting to and from the airport and
about getting around in the city
Venue in Sofia 2024
The conference will be held at
The Rectorate
1504 Sofia, 15 Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd.Bulgaria
in the heart of the city
2024 Registration
Registration is now closed.
For in-person attendance the conference fee is 80 lev (40 euro).
For online attendance the conference fee is 40 lev (20 euro).
The Super Power of Japanese Soft-Power
The Super Power of Japanese Soft-Power
International conference
6 and 7 March 2021
As the aim of this project is to raise public awareness of the new horizons ensured by Japanese soft power policies, the main event is focused on providing a platform for experts in the field to share their ideas, communicate different views and search for important and insightful solutions for the successful promotion of cultural products in a global world.
Opening address Sofia 2019 (Willy Vande Walle)
Welcome to the 30th EAJRS Conference
Rethinking resources for Japanese studies
organized by Department of Japanese Studies at Sofia University "Saint Kliment Ohridski"
18-21 September 2019
2019 conference in Sofia: minutes
Minutes of the general assembly of the 30th EAJRS conference, Sofia
1. Approval of the minutes of the general assembly of the 29th conference held at Kaunas
See here and program booklet. The minutes are approved.
2. Next year’s venue
A study on the Chinese books of Léon de Rosny’s antique collection (2019)
The author visited the Lille City Library to research on Japanese and Chinese classics. These books were part of the collection found in storage belonging to Léon-Louis-Lucien Prunol de Rosny (1837-1914), professor of the first Japanese language course in France. Rosny is known as a pioneer of Japanese Studies in Europe, though his efforts are not fully appreciated in modern day.
Prof. Peter Kornicki published the catalog of Japanese Classics of Léon de Rosny’s collection (1994); as the collection gained some renown it became clear that Rosny's Japanese book collection and the Japanese teaching materials compiled by Léon de Rosny are closely related.
In addition to the Japanese books, Rosny’s collection included over 500 Chinese books, gifted to him by his teacher Stanislas Julien (1797-1873). Furthermore, it is believed that some books from Julien's teacher, Jean-Pierre Abel-Rémusat (1788-1832), are also included, and should be valued as part of academic history. However, the catalog of Chinese books has not been published, and has not yet not been widely recognized.
National Institutes for the Humanities (2019)
SHOGAKUKAN Inc. (2019)
SHOGAKUKAN Inc. (Kimiwada Masumi)