NDL(BC) 2112081-4-17
October 5, 2022
Dear Colleagues,
Greetings from the National Diet Library (NDL), Japan.
We would like to inform you of the following survey. Please take a moment to fill it out.
[Questionnaire for users of Web NDL Authorities]
Web NDL Authorities (https://id.ndl.go.jp/auth/ndla) is a service that allows users to search and download authority data created by the National Diet Library, Japan. We are now conducting an opinion survey targeting users of Web NDL Authorities.
Please help us improve this service by responding to the questionnaire.
URL to the questionnaire for users of Web NDL Authorities (in Japanese)
(Period: From Sept. 1 to Nov. 30, 2022)
Best wishes,
Branch Libraries and Cooperation Division
Administrative Department
National Diet Library, Japan